Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring & A West Coast Crush Thing

"Lighten up while you still can don't even try to understand. Just find a place to make your stand and take it easy" the Eagles

Springtime & a West Coast Crush.
Making music, making friends &
taking it all in stride
while takin' it Ez

Sharing some Ides of March crushables & wishing you 
a relaxing spring full of beautiful blooms 
& Everything Your Heart Desires

Click the Link to see V magazine spring Collections 
In MOTION from Reed And
Fashion Photography from another Realm

I'm currently crushing The Celebration
The Celebration of Life
The Celebration of Love
The Celebration of Me
Do it UP.
You don't need a birthday to buy balloons
When's the last time you Celebrated
The Celebration of Y O U ?

T R A V E L & The Wait Time
Crush The Airport People Watch
I'm writing a book entitled 
"Airport for Sport...The StandBy & Other Flight Adventures"

Scoot over Bieber
Check out James Blake
& Get Crush Ready for the velvet voice...

Limit To Your Love

I shot this quick pic of my jewelry box.
I've sorted it a million times but I tend to
like it better when it looks & feels like a 
Treasure Chest
Crushing The Unorganized

ETSY for Los Angeles Retro Fun 

When I grow Lovelier I wanna look like Jacqueline Bisset
67 years gorgeous
100% Botox Injection Free &
 Zero Cosmetic Surgery
Crush & Pass Me The Sunscreen Please 

It's a Vintage Los Angeles sorta Spring 
& hearts...

 Love & The Electric Cafe
Kraftwerk Ron St Germain Mix

Do we Facebook?
Find My Band
Find My Joy
Friend IT!!

I have a Crush on Detroit
& all it's Imports
U S A 

She will BLOW you away...
Crushing this Deserving Grammy Winner

Bright Beautiful California 
Vintage Marquis Tinseltown 

 CRUSH the Music Makers
Check out my interview with

No matter where I travel 
I always somehow end up
at Guitar Center..
Gretsch Drums To Fawn Over

CHANEL Spring 2011 Accessories
Love'em while they're H O T 

Crushing Fabulous Times
Check out Arlo Guthrie's
 Current Tour Schedule 
True Performer True Talent
Truly Amazing

50's Floral Flair
Hepburn & Astaire Dance on Air

Synda Rorex Photography
4 the moments
Crush & The Soul Sistah

1969 London
Retro Arlo Guthrie
Dig IT

N I N A   S I M O N E
There is no mistaking the
 N I N A 


I like to call this one
 JAX at The Patisserie ;)

Crushing the Art 
the Beauty & 
A Life Lived With Passion
Dean Karr 

Go Ahead
Crush Your Journey

Jagger: The Spirit
The Charisma
The  E N E R G Y 

T H E   O R I G I N A L 
NYC  1969

I love the Look of Black & White Stripes
 Big Hair / Floppy Hats
It's Truly My Very Own Personal 

Shimmer/ Sparkle
 Rhinestones Never Diamonds
& Grandma's Vintage Costume Jewelry
Yess Yess Please

‎"There was no way Bogie and I could be in the same room without reaching for one another, and it wasn’t just physical. Physical was very strong, but it was everything - heads, hearts, bodies, everything going at the same time."
- Lauren Ba

New Music Crush
In The Studio 

The Possibilities
No Matter How You Say It =  Life Worth Crushing

Open your heart
 to the opportunity of spring
It's A Crush Thing

