Monday, March 24, 2008

My Life in Technicolor

Dearest Technicolor,

Oooooooooo where have you gone? You made everything seem so lovely & vibrant whenever you were around. You took the dull dreary day to day color of life & made it POP with pizzaz and with pinache. You made the dullest frock seem one of a kind Royalesque. You made the characters I adore even more brilliant & beautifully defined. I want you back Technicolor.
Where are you? You provide for me something that I am lacking. Something I cannot explain but I long so desperately for
& I escape to you.
I am drawn to your innocently seductive charms. Do not worry, Technicolor, I cannot be won over easily by the gray realness of modernity. No, my loyalty shall not waiver. For you have brought me tooooooo many fabulous moments to ever leave your loveliness upon a dusty shelf.
Patiently, I will wait for your return.
And while I wait?

I will watch you.
...if even from a distance.

And the crush goes on.


Parachute Girl