Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sweet Inspiration & Interrogation

My new favorite thing is the Interrobang. Isn't it divine? How often have YOU felt the interrobang coming at you? Or, better yet, how often have you actually been guilty of throwing the interrobang around yourself? hmmmmmmm...I know I'm guilty of both. However, the former seems much more fun ;). Invented in 1962 by ad man Martin K. Specktor, the interrobang combines the functions of the exclamation mark (known as a "bang" by printers) and the question mark (also known as an interrogative point). Popular throughout the 1960s, the interrobang was included as a character in the Americana typeface, in some dictionaries, and as a key on some Remington typewriters. The interrobang was also featured in newspaper and magazine articles. However, the interrobang never truly caught on, and is now a little-known, nonstandard punctuation mark. BUT! It is now available in an array of fabu colors at mmadden Etsy Store PURE FUN

So, here's your Quest for today:
USE the Interrobang in a sentence. Ooooooooo & then report back to me & let me know how it goes!?!??! OK !?!?

And the Crush goes on...


Parachute Girl