Saturday, February 9, 2008


GRACE (according to Webster's Dictionary) is defined as 1. elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
Wow, what's not to love about that?
As a child I was completely & utterly consumed with Grace Kelly. My mother was always a fan of the starlet & growing up watching old movies I soon fell under the Grace Kelly spell as well. I remember as a very young reader going to the library & asking the librarian to show me the "Grace Kelly" biography section. I also remember so many times being asked in amazement, "how on earth does a little girl your age know so much about Grace Kelly?" Ooooo & I did. Every single thing I could possibly find out about Grace was truly just never enough.
In 4th grade, I remember several assignments for "book of your choice" book reports. After about the 3rd report from yet another Grace Kelly novel, my teacher protested & said I would simply have to find new reading material or I would forever be lost in "Hollywood Simplicity" as she put it. I was truly appalled by her reprimands. How could she refer to Grace as frivolous or simple in nature?? How dare she!! I mean, Grace was an extraordinarily important figure who could have changed the entire universe with her princess wand!! ;)

As I look back now, I often wonder what attracted me to the idea of Grace. I think it had so much more to do with the strength & individuality she portrayed (although I'm sure the princess idea was also most intriguing), but I do believe there is something strong & powerful about a woman who is not afraid to be graceful. A woman who never shys away from delightful elegance for fear of weak perceptions. After all, only the strongest intellect & intelligence can actually carry Grace into action. :)

So today I wish you Grace.
Grace & Love

The Crush Goes on..


Parachute Girl