Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pack Light & CRUSH A Lot

My late summer sojourn into the Big Apple took a left turn into
the country & beauty found me at every turn. Spur of the moment
journeys & unforeseen detours are truly the most
exciting. You never know what the universe may be magnetically
pulling you I say just hold on, enjoy the ride
& CRUSH the scenery.

Celebrations & Festivities in Brighter Hues.
Corner pieces of birthday cakes & roses made of icing.

Little Miss Chic & bright red tights breathing
everything old in your closet into NEW life.

Color Mine B R I G H T please

Just to give you a little insight to the COMEDY of my fam..
This sign hangs on my parents house in the country.

Beautiful pieces of blown glass on windowsills.
It's the Hallmark of my Home.

Mom's Gorgeous Geraniums & hot summer afternoons...

"Arrive in Cars Like Boats or just stay home" & when you're in his zip code Dad always drives:)

Sunlight through Pecan Trees and everything
looks sweeter viewed from a front porch rocking chair on
a lazy summer evening..

Channeling the Inner Audrey. It's what I like to
call "creating my own reality"


Going through Grandma's old pix,
Apparently modeling Grandpa's cowboy hat
was my first Print job ;)

NYLON Mag & it's a Sept DREW Crush.

It is not too often we meet lovely friends who introduce us
to Lemurs in Panda Suits named Bubbles.
Cherish those moments...they are indeed Rare ;)

Crushing Perfect Rainbows across Perfect Prairies...
It MUST be a good sign

Traveling with Vintage LIFE & Grace Kelly
& of course OPI Big Apple Red nail polish :)

Try a little gathered ROSE for your TOES.....

Holding on to the last bit of Summertime Morning sunshine.

mmmmmm D E L I C I O U S

Images of Moi by Synda Rorex Photography
Whenever I see this one I can't help but hear
Erykah Badu singing "Pack Light"

Hangin' my hat in the country for a minute & LOVING
the company...

YESS City Girl's Love the Country Too.
CHANEL Haute Couture Fall 2010
It's an Ivory Crush Style WIN

The view through pink heart sunglasses is more splendid.
Write 100 times on your chalkboard:
"Less Reality More Glam"

Mom & Dad's Country Charm stove.
No room to list the fabulous meals prepared for laughter & good times from that stove top.
But one of my favorites? Mom's Homemade Lemon Spiced Tea

Again ROSES & Footwear.
It's a match made in Romance.
Try it.
Guaranteed punches on your dance card;)

Stories of my parent's travels abroad. Young newlyweds on
European adventures. I could listen for hours on end....

C R A Y O N S for Chairs & Grandpa bought these in 1960

Go ahead CRUSH yourself.
It's a fabulous thing!!

Pine trees through iron lattice & garden conversations....

COLOR : currently lifting my mood into something NEW
Trying to pack away my black on black on "little black dress" least until the first frost ;)


Fall may be approaching but I plan to still sneak a little
SPRING on my feet.


What were you waiting for?? ;)

CRUSH like there's no tomorrow.

