Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sweet Vicious & The CRUSH

As July flies by at ridiculous speeds I am behind in my blog posts & updates.
I guess I've been a bit too busy being inspired by summer nights, fireflies, lemon iced teas, bands on sidewalk bricks & boys & girls in berets for Bastille Day. My crush-o-meter is in full swing &
I'm lovingly lost in the details....

Twirling floral dresses, high heels on hot pavement...
Life looks better when dancing in the streets

Bastille Day & Parisian Dreams.
So Much Love to my sweet French friends...thank you for
homemade videos of Bastille Day & photos of perfection.
Next year? I shall JOIN you in the festivities:)

It's a Parisian Vogue Barbie "I love You Truly" Style

Brooklyn makes me happy for soooooo many reasons.
The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens is just ONE of them :)

Bridge Love & Yess I'm picking favorites!! Verrazano Beauty

The talent of Butch Walker can be summed up by the word Limitless.
Watch this video & CRUSH his attitude....

As my favorite record stores continue to disappear... I am forever
reminded of my favorite Movie character record store owner-
Iona from Pretty In Pink. Owner of TRAX. Ahhh the quirky
stellar madness of Iona.

Yes it looks familiar because it's Carrie & Big's apartment from the
new SATC 2 movie. Glamorously Glorious Details

Finding Gems on morning walks in the form of Lilies.
Such a spiritual flower with beautiful meaning & purpose.

If you can't get Crazie with it then what's the point?
Crushin' crazie moments & music making madness with talented boys.
Who's gonna love ya crazie?? Crazie like The'Chutes??

I truly believe Marion Cotillard exemplifies DIOR.
E L E G A N C E ahhhhh it's still alive & well.

The Thinkers power couple with less Brangelina press.
Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick.
Hello Smart, Driven & Smart, Driven & Fabulous

Hot Summer days & Parisols.....Style & Retro Michelle Phillips Glam

Parisol Yourself with Recycled SARI Parisols!
Crushin' The Chic Recycle

Sujean Rim's Children's book about BIRDIE & her Big Girl Shoes.
Beautiful Illustrations & adorable story....even if she DOES spell her name all wrong;)

Did you KNOW? Nearly 1 billion people suffer needlessly without access to safe water. We can CHANGE that!! Learn more Here. PASS IT ON!!!!!!

SkullCandy Ti Headphones in G O L D
Yess. Yess Please

Jax likes to help me get ready before shows.
AND He doesn't mind when I ramble on... y'know about nothingness ??
It's an unconditional kinda love :)

Melody Gardot
She is much more than just her story....but her story is amazing.
Brain injury survivor & captivating performer to CRUSH.

Scarlett Johansson for Dolce & Gabbana cosmetics.
Crushin' this Monroe appeal & old school Glam

Louis Vuitton Winter 2010 Collection is
1950's GLAM. It's Sweet Meets Vicious
& 100% Girl Next Door (Who Melts Your Face with One glance....)

Don't ever believe that Good Girls Don't Have Fun ;)
After all...

Dear Audrey Tatou,
Thank you for being an amazingly talented actress. Your portrayal of
Coco Chanel reminded me that goals are attainable for everyone brave
enough to ignore negativity & strong enough to plunge head first into
the hard work known as "dreams".

CRUSHING on photography of The'Chutes by the faboosh
Synda Rorex

Danny Robert's Art is Addictive, Infectious Chic to the Nth Degree
& I would love to own one of E V E R Y scribble.

Thank you Paul Arden. Whenever I lose my smile?
I find it again in your words....
"It's not how GOOD you are, it's how GOOD you want to Be."
Paul Arden

My kind of Lunch Break.... NYC & W Mag So Gorg

May you be Sweet Enough to Open the Door & Just Vicious Enough to Stand your Ground
Wishing you a Summer filled with SWEET Crushes...
