Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life is Super Cute ..Pinch It!!

Having had a really rough past few weeks, I've been
reminded again & again of every precious moment.
Every moment of friendship, camaraderie & Love.

Life can really take a swift turn in a New York minute & leave you somewhere blinded in the headlights of "wha??" One of my dearest friends on the planet suffered an heart attack & subsequent open heart surgery. He is now in recovery & doing quite well.

As I have witnessed these events with him from beginning to present, I have become increasingly amazed. Amazed at his strength. Amazed at his ability to stay positive & on course & lighthearted through every step.

Oh, sure I always knew he was an amazing sort of guy, but his poise under pressure & constant sense of humor really got me wondering.

Are we all SuperBeings masking as ordinary humans in our
everyday lives? Completely & totally oblivious to the superpower which we possess?

And if so...what is the fuel?

The fuel which powers us on to greater & greater attributes enabling us to overcome adversity.

Oh, surely it is composed of such things as faith, grace, dignity & spirit of heart,

but I think the most intricate part of the equation is actually something very simple.

Something I've realized my friend has mastered:

The art of Just Breathing

The art of Just BEING

Being in the moment.

Fully taking in the details of the everyday mambo jumbo...

& you know what I discovered?



I dare you to Pinch it;)

AND the Crush Goes On....


Parachute Girl