Vintage Steve McQueen with top Mod Model of the 60's Peggy Moffit.
S L I C K is right.
New York in the 50's.
So Glamorous. So Divine.
Capezio Dance Studio Wear.
Comfort, Style & attitude.
Currently living in these...
Craig Kanarick's "Eye Candy" Series.
Isn't is S W E E T ??
New Plastic Parachute Ground Crew Tee
Yess Please. So Chic.
Craig Kanarick's "Eye Candy" Part Deux
Natalie Wood + Red Gingham = L O V E
Mother's Day is SUNDAY!
Don't forget to gift gift gift kiss kiss kiss.
Anna Karena. Oooooooooo perfected bliss.
Yes, I admit it.
I'm counting down the days until SATC.
May 30th thank you
LifeSize Love.
From Friend Walls.
Hugs to TOBY!
The 7 year itch. Have you seen this movie?
So artsy. So swell.
Again & Again.
Keeps getting better...
Pat Benatar Style is timeless.
And you thought your sailor stripes were avant guard??