Monday, August 27, 2012

"Wishes upon imperfect moons & fallen stars...
Optimism Loves Surprises
A heart beats more beautifully when it's covered with scars
& Still has the courage to keep dreaming when the sun rises"
                                              Birdee Bow

I stopped blowing out candles whenever record execs told me "only youth sells".. I say wisdom writes a more melodic song. I say experience tells a more interesting story.
I say cake & candles can be a girl's best friend. I say the best things in life are not for "sell"
I say
 Celebrating birthdays with passion is where it's at... 

Butterfly moments are drawn to Beauty Magnets
Beauty radiates from just behind the eyes
photo by Georgia Lavey

Whenever I CRUSH Into September
These are the things I will Remember:
Backstage at Red Rocks
Because Legends Leave Marks
Because True Friends Never Stay Gone For Long
& Always bring the Cheese Puffs...

Because it really is all about love, peace & tenderness.
If we forget to care about one another we will fail.

Because when you find someone to whom you can say this & actually MEAN it??
You're On To Something!
Rita Cherry Designs
Elena CipollonePassion in the Fashion
Princess Caroline
Equestrian Elegance

Why Not??
Kindra Flavin Design STAR
You'll say you read about her here first..
Because I was Country
When Country Wasn't Cool
Because I dream of dancing with Fred Astaire..
A Lot
Because I dream in Parisian..
A Lot
Because Fun Juice Glasses Remind me of Mom. 
Who says breakfast is boring?
Paloma Faith & STELLAR back up singers
UK Wonderbar
Because Lady Like Never Leaves The Room without Leaving an Impression
Because Whimsy is all about the details
Because LOVE is alive & well & purchasing colored markers
My D R E A M  
Writing Corner
Because Fashion Happens When You Feel It & has nothing to do with age
Synda Rorex Photography
Because EVERY day I decide to start a different novel & ONE of these days I will finish
all of them Infinity
C O L O R A D O 
Because Colorful is not just a description it's a way of life

Cary Grant & Dyan Canon
LOVE in the 60's

Because my best friend owned this phone in elementary school & whenever I used it to call home I would pretend I was in a castle:)

Because Practicality is sooooo overrated.
Spontaneity Rule
T R U T H 
Because The Big Apple
comes in the Shape of My Heart
Grace Kelly & NYC 
Because I'm shopping for new glasses & any spectacles that can also rock a cable knit sweater are a definite front runner
I will never outgrow bed time stories....
Bring It

ONE of the MOST AMAZING stories I have ever had the joy of watching.
  RUN don't walk to see
"Searching For Sugarman"
Report Back
A M A Z I N G 
Because beautiful friends share their Vermont Dreams 
 Photo by Georgia Lavey
Find Your
F R O S T I N G 
"You could Have a Change of Heart if You Would Only Change Your Mind"
                 Def Leppard

Wishing you Crushes Worthy of Mind Changes & Heart Races.


Birdee Bow