"As I get older, I get smaller. I see other parts of the world I didn't see before. Other points of view. I see outside myself more."
I'm a girl with broken glasses. No, I didn't just break them. They've been broken for about a year & a half. I don't mean just a little broken.. I mean full on broken as in one side is taped together with masking tape & most times the entire right ear piece is just missing, somewhere lost in the bottom of my purse. I only use them when I'm at the movie theatre & then it's only when it's a really fabulous, "I've been dying to see this!" kinda movie. Seriously, if it's just a maybe I'll dig it kinda movie? I don't even bother. Lucky for the rest of the world I don't drive a car & I must admit I've grown accustomed to the view. A little blurry around the edges, none too clear. Things in the distance seem even further away & maybe life seems less daunting & more exciting when the view is not so crystal.
I'm not sure what it is,but I like it.
Maybe one day I'll want that to change
Maybe one day I'll buy my new fancy shmancy designer glasses & see what I've been missing
But for now?
I Crush This View
Hollah & HUZZAH
Hollah & HUZZAH
A different kind of window shopping..
And Seriously..can you imagine the PARTIES on that terrace??
Yes Please Add me to that Guest list thanks..
Thank you Edie Sedgwick for being the Quintessential NYC "IT" Girl
& enough Fashion Inspiration for an entire lifetime...
Manhattan 5th Avenue Now...
CRUSH the Beatle & after all he's been through he still believes in Love...
Upper East Side Dining & The Glorious
If you're gonna be hanging out in Columbus Circle?
I say do it during the week of Columbus Day...in fabulous shoes.
Cloudy, Clouded or Crystalline True
It's your View
Do it Up
Do what it is You Do
& the Crush Goes On..
Birdee Bow